What if it became a pleasure to use git?

We've all been there. Yet another merge that turns into conflicts, copy pasting files to undo a change, sticking to pull/commit/push hoping it will go smoothly this one time... Well, it doesn't have to be this way. You can become proficient at git in a few weeks, never struggle again with git while trying to push your code, and level up the rest of your team while you're at it!

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    Pierre Poujade

    Software developer, Linux system administrator, git zealot.

    Who am I?

    My name is Pierre, I am writing software professionally for the last ten years at companies big and small, on codebases containing thousands of commits. I love helping developers of all levels understand git better so that git becomes an asset in their workflow instead of a liability.

    What will you learn?

    How to use command line git instead of your IDE, what exactly is a commit, why do conflicts occur and what do these barbarian "<<<<< HEAD" markers mean, how to rebase commits, how to cherry-pick commits, git best practices, and much more, so that git isn't so mysterious anymore.